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XBMC auto-stacking movies?
hey guys

got a problem with xbmc auto stacking my movies. I have made sure that "treat stacked files as single file" under settings isnt marked.

it only does it for movies with multple in the series.

eg leathal weapon, 2, 3, and 4, will make a leathal weapon file and it will have them all stacked. all this happens in library mode.

or jurassic park, 2, 3, or rush hour, 2, 3 etc etc etc, anything where multiple moves is.

i can delete the new files, in library, rescan for new content, and it readds it again.

its really annoying.

any tips?

here is a debug log of it doing it to rush hour.
You can either put each movie in it's own directory (recommended) or edit advancedsettings.xml to overwrite the defaults, omitting the second default expression (see wiki).
since when has been stacking movies been default?

ive had my movies all in the one folder for years, and its never done this before....
Stacking has always been on by default during a library scan. Otherwise it honors w/e you've set with the stacking button.
althekiller Wrote:Stacking has always been on by default during a library scan. Otherwise it honors w/e you've set with the stacking button.

well, its never stacked movies for me before, so, not sure why its doing it now. (thought it might of been a linux problem, as ive changed from windows to linux)

so, your saying i just add something like

<moviestacking action="no">

to advancedsettings?

You didn't read that wiki page very hard. action only takes one of "append" or "prepend". calling either action tells XBMC NOT to overwrite the defaults, which is what you want. You can C&P the default expressions then delete the second one and you movies that are names like that won't stack.

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XBMC auto-stacking movies?0