Xbmc video library arragement problem
hi guys !

First, i would like to inform you that what you've done, is just wonderfull !!!

Do you have an URL to support (money) ?

Second, i use Wixi as streaming video, i've got a lot of movies on wixi, that i watch on XBMC (with Xbox).

I renamed some movies, in order to allow the scrappers to work.

My problem is that even movies's names are "clean", and after a scan of the folder containing movies, it don't appears in library.

Please, do anybody has a kind of solution ?

Thx in advance,
Donate button is on the home page.

Gonna need a full debug log on pastebin.com or similar. See wiki for more details.
Thanks for replying,

DO you fell that xbmc can strore movies information from streaming, or is it impossible, and xbmc can, only store from local Harddrive ?

As long as the URLs are constant between runs, it should be able to store them in the library. Whether or not it's supported already depends on the protocol - if you're using a plugin, then it's probably disabled. It'd be pretty easy to enable it though - there's probably some fairly basic checks in CGUIVideoWindowFiles::GetContextButtons().

As for the naming of the movies - what are they _exactly_ so we can determine whether or not it'll work OK?

A Debug Log of you attempting to scrape these streams AlTheKiller mentions would also be invaluable.

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http://main.wixi.com/wixi_xbmc.php presumably?

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Xbmc video library arragement problem0