2009-09-21, 15:28
not native speaker so if I say something wrong please dont mind.
I'm writing a scraper and it works fine,but one problem that the order of search results in results box is different from the web page.The first item is not what should be, others different as well. but all items are there,no one missing.
I tested it in Scrapper Editor,and the order is right.Deleted "repeat="yes"" and got the right first choice in XBMC(only one of course).Tested other scrapers like ofdb and also got an order different from the web page(only the first item is right).So seems the results are just reordered.
My question is:do I mistake anything?If not then is there any chance to prevent this?Only need the first is right for auto scan.
not native speaker so if I say something wrong please dont mind.
I'm writing a scraper and it works fine,but one problem that the order of search results in results box is different from the web page.The first item is not what should be, others different as well. but all items are there,no one missing.
I tested it in Scrapper Editor,and the order is right.Deleted "repeat="yes"" and got the right first choice in XBMC(only one of course).Tested other scrapers like ofdb and also got an order different from the web page(only the first item is right).So seems the results are just reordered.
My question is:do I mistake anything?If not then is there any chance to prevent this?Only need the first is right for auto scan.