What skin for P4 + 8400GS ?
I'm cobbling together a really low-end XBMC box consisting of a P4 class Celeron 2.8ghz, 256mb RAM, and 512mb 8400GS PCI video card booting from a 2gb thumb drive running Jaunty Minimal and XBMC accessing all media over wired ethernet. When setup properly with VDPAU I should have full hardware acceleration for most video, including Flash using 10.1 player.

Given the low-end nature of the underlying processor/memory, will I be able to smoothly run skins like Aeon Stark? This low-end box will be in a bedroom, with an Acer AX1301 in the main theater. I'd like the two to share a common interface and plan on Aeon on the Theater PC. If not, what skins run well with smooth transitions on low-end hardware like what I'm assembling?

Thanks in advance.
I have a 2.8Ghz 775 P4, overclocked to 3.2Ghz with 2Gb of RAM and it has no problem with any skin... GT210 takes care of HD.. maybe buy a bit more memory? its cheap these days...

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What skin for P4 + 8400GS ?0