2011-02-23, 17:04
2011-02-24, 22:04
Been away for awhile so havent updated my mod for awhile but will be working on a ATV2 version of Alaska.
Regarding getting the overlay to display with film type thats what I did after working out would take me ages to redo all my folder.jpg.
I only used Bluray and DVD on my mod but loved the way it looked....
Regarding getting the overlay to display with film type thats what I did after working out would take me ages to redo all my folder.jpg.
I only used Bluray and DVD on my mod but loved the way it looked....
2011-02-24, 23:17
O i really want this in Alaska Revisied .. have have been looking in at "big alaska" codes and i dont understand how it all works =/
it must have someting to do with "Viewtype_Panel.xml", "Viewtype_Panel.xml_nocases" and ""Viewtype_Panel.xml_withcases"
it must have someting to do with "Viewtype_Panel.xml", "Viewtype_Panel.xml_nocases" and ""Viewtype_Panel.xml_withcases"