MC360 Buttons linking to correct locations
Hey I've got a quick question on MC360. You know in the "games blade" where there is the "applications", "emulators", and "games" buttons and how they all just take you to the default list where the "programs" button would take you to? Can you make the "games" button actually link directly to the games folder, the "applications" button link directly to the "apps" folder, etc. without having to click on another folder in between? Its totally pointless to have multiple buttons with different labels (to fill space otherwise) if they're just going to do the same thing.

Another question: I also heard that you can remove the "gamer card" thing and put in a weather box instead. Is that still available in the latest version?

- 2 Bunny
The "Games"-button only links to your games if the source-folder, in which your games are, is also called "Games". So you need to rename your sources according to their contents - then it should work.
Games - games
Emulators - emulators
Applications - apps

In the new Mod by greatant1337 you are able to do exactly what you wanted. There is an option in the preferences of the skin, which turn the gamer-card into either a weather box or some kind of system-info.
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Staubsauger Wrote:The "Games"-button only links to your games if the source-folder, in which your games are, is also called "Games". So you need to rename your sources according to their contents - then it should work.
Games - games
Emulators - emulators
Applications - apps

In the new Mod by greatant1337 you are able to do exactly what you wanted. There is an option in the preferences of the skin, which turn the gamer-card into either a weather box or some kind of system-info.

Well, my apps and games folders are already that name, but still the same thing happens weather I press applications, emulators, or games, it still takes me to the list of sources. I can choose from there the apps, emulators, or games folder, but it defeats the purpose of having separate buttons.

I figured out how to do the gamercard change to weather thing. It is an option in the preferences, but thats all I have been able to solve so far. Thanks!

- 2 Bunny
i am having the same problem
no answer was ever presented in this thread

can some one that knows how to fix this please take the time to answer?

making a new account on these forums only takes a few minutes...


edit, also, where exactly is the preference to change the gamercard into the weather thingy?
I know this is bumping a really old post, but I'm hoping if others were stuck like me and searching the internet, it might help people for future use.

Staubsauger was correct for older versions way back when.

But for newer versions, it became the following

Games - games
Emulators/Xbox Arcade - emulators
Applications - programs

I have XBMC4XBOX 3.1 (Later versions don't work with MC360) and the latest SVN of MC360 at

I hope this helps someone!
(2013-04-29, 12:28)TimeKiller Wrote: Games - games
Emulators/Xbox Arcade - emulators
Applications - programs

Thank you TimeKiller!! This helped a ton! I had my games and emulators working, but I never thought to name my apps source "programs", but that did the trick!
Hi, sorry to resurrect this old thread but would anyone know how to show games and emulators from the G partition into the Games/Xbox Live blades ?


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