Samba bug ? can any one confirm
im the proud owner of 2 xboxes now Smile both running the same config one is a 1.3version one is a 1.4 both have evox, xmbc and xbmp and are hooked to my file server which currently has 200 gig of hard disk on windows 2003, with a shared folder comprising of anime, movies and mp3. this is a samba share, when i play a divx its fine up untill arround 30 minutes, then it will just cut out like i pressed stop, if i play the divx and forward to the point at whihc it cuts out it plays past it and usualy runs for the rest of the movie (1 hour+) and every divx played after also seems to be fine, its just the first one at the 30 minute point will always seem to cut out, ive tested both xboxs, one on the latest cvs and one about 3 releases earlier. could any one confirm this  ?
if i am not mistaken, there will be new samba client code soon that should make things stable.

please wait for that!

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ok thanks for the info, its not any thign that prevents me form usign it. just a little annoying at times but hey devs need time and i can wait so its all good Smile
if you do a search for samba on this forum, you will find hundreds of similar posts. samba does not work correctly. you should use a streamingserver. i didn't believe it also for a quite a while. but now i am using ccxstream which runs fine.

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Samba bug ? can any one confirm0