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Joined: Feb 2009
Skilled Skinner
Posts: 3,379
1. You need to use git version of Night to have access to the uncompressed images
2. Lower right icon is media/DefaultMusicArtists.png
3. Backdround is media/backgrounds/music.jpg
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Posts: 11
Joined: Sep 2009
So to be clear, I can't change these settings unless I am using the git version? Also, the media folder that I should be using is under my userdata folder correct? My portable data folder right?
Posts: 21
Joined: Jul 2010
same doubt, but for movie and music genres (I need to adapt names to my language in order to make them to appear in my library).
for git version you mean the one constantly updated downloaded with svn?
can't I only create a similar folder structure where it is supposed to be and place there the images?
thank you!