Xbmc 2005-01-02 build
was wondering about this update.i can use kai w/the pc ui and it say that my xbox has been configured correctly{under the diagnostic}when i go to use the dash only engine it seems to not work.i only get the kai has started i dont get the us west advanced server mess.i had the dec update and not a problem..when i installed xbmc 2005 as a dash i erases the tdata008face or something like that(xbmc settings).the only thing that has changed in the network is a new wireless acces point for another pc in another room.it is also plugged into the router after the xbox connection...nothing to do w/the pc for kai or box ..
thanx and apreciate all the hard work..

nice job on the clicking of the right thumbstick menu... :pirate:
hey -

you said you cleared your xbmc settings by deleting the /e/tdata/0face008 and /e/udata/0face008 directories. did you reset your xlink preferences (username and password) after that? also make sure you network settings are configured properly.

hope this helps,

Thumbs Down 
yes all that was good.i guess i needed a updated skin fromupdates..
worked fine ,then i got cocky and got xbox live(my system is fine once diabled)and got the extra content and played a few games..played pgr and had a long update..next day went to ftp and ip had changed..

would that effect my kai seetings,,cause now the system is not reachable..<kai trbleshtng.>but box is configured..

any ideasHuh?


                            :kickass:                         Angry
peace, oops did i mention i tried dhcp<my og setup>and did it all static too.
got it back all it was, was that kai didnt detect new ip address,so under xp firewall settings,under exceptions,all i did was edit the kai ui the my new ip....

if you cant get kai to run once you have had it running,try this..i took me 2 days to figure that one,but of course i am a newb... :kickass:  :kickass:  :kickass:  :kickass:
try getting a new build... i have to rely on others because i dont have the newest version of visual studio... i have .net 2002, although i was able to compile it a while ago with some changes.

anyhow - make a new build, or get a fully loaded package like i did... like the 01-05-2005 fully loaded one with skins and scripts etc.

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