Kai doesn't work with 2005-01-15
just updated my xbmc with 2005-01-15 build and my kai doesn't seem to work anymore. my pc can detect my xbox and i can get xbox news via rss feed as well. and the other thing is i can't put games path in xlink kai setting. i can see the option and i've been trying to press any button to get the virtual keyboard as well.
anybody can help me ?
i've got the same version of xbmc and also problems with kai
kai connects to my computer, but when i start a voice chat with someone, my xbox crashes. after that i restart my xbox and now my xbox hangs when i try to get into my programs.
when i disable the service on my computer, my xbox works fine again. very weird - please help ...
i just tried to do it manually. it's working. but everytime i go to xlink kai, i can't see any arenas or games. seems xlink kai won't detect any connection
(willykatie @ jan. 22 2005,13:49 Wrote:hi,
just updated my xbmc with 2005-01-15 build and my kai doesn't seem to work anymore. my pc can detect my xbox and i can get xbox news via rss feed as well. and the other thing is i can't put games path in xlink kai setting. i can see the option and i've been trying to press any button to get the virtual keyboard as well.
anybody can help me ?
me too.....i couldnt get kai to reach dash..even tried to manually enter engines address.even switched from dhcp to static and did it all manually..still no love..rss and any kind of script i have still works so i now network is good..i have the dec. edition and wondering if anybody has had problems..

not sure if this is a factor but i played pgr xbox live and went to ftp to box and my ip address has changes..i had a really long(10 min > update.any body similiar probs..

let me know if i am not speaking clearly.<i have that problem>>

ummmmm......beerismyco-pilot :evil:


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Kai doesn't work with 2005-01-150