We have tailored MUCH of 'Back Row' from a lot of idea's from the community. We are always up for new idea's, so if you have one, other then "looks dull and ugly", elaborate more on idea's of how you think it would look better, other then just "change it". That would help us a bit more to consider your idea's if it's something every one else would like also. Some people might not like the idea's, or think it now makes the skin look worse, or even not use it anymore BECAUSE that area looks a way they don't like now, Being every one has there own opinions, which is why we have a lot of skins for XBMC. Not every one will like some things, that other skins have, or like other skins but not using them because of certain layout's or views they don't like.
I LOVE Transparency, but i don't personally like the OSD cause it reminds me of real player for some reason, which i can't stand RP. It's basic which is great, for might not be for every body of course. But like i said, every one has things they like, and things they don't like. Just voice your thought's on what you think would make it look better, more details, and we'll consider them.
And about "Please don't take the first request in negative manner.", We are positive people, it's no problem. Constructive criticism is what makes you grow and learn. But just for proper form's of writing, it doesn't make sense to say negative choices of words, then followed by "don't take negatively".
That's like saying to your friend "Hey, your girlfriend is ugly and plain jane looking, don't take that negatively though!!"
Make sense?? LOL.