[BEFORE POSTING] New posting Policy. Read this!
Hi all,

In order to help organize the support forum for Subtitles Addons (and to prepare for the future split of subtitles services) we are forcing the following POSTING POLICY, that will add to the usual recommendations (search forums and faq before posting ,add debug logs, etc.):

1. Each problem should be posted in a separated thread. Before posting search to check if there is a thread that already covers your symptoms. If there is, just add your log to that thread. If not, create a new one. NEVER post new problems on the [RELEASE] thread, that will be blocked very soon.

2. Each new thread should have a self-explanatory subject. Nothing like "problem" or "problem with subtitles" or "wtf". If you can't recap your issue in one line: think again.

3. Precede your Thread Subject with a keyword that identifies the service it is related with. If you can't download subtitles with opensubtitles you can use a subject line like: [OPENSUBTITLES] Addon shows "downloading" message but it never downloads anything.
If the issue is global to the addon (this means that it happens with ALL the services, not with a majority of them) then use [XBMCSubtitles] prefix.

4. In the text of the issue try to give as much detail as possible. All the time we spend writing things like "can you explain how to replicate your issue?" or "please specify your platforn and script/xbmc version" or "add a proper Debug Log" we are not writing code or fixing problems.

Above that, just use common sense. We will always try to help. Just help us help you.

Always read the XBMC Online Manual,Frequently Asked Questions and search the forum before posting.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting use -> Log file.

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[BEFORE POSTING] New posting Policy. Read this!0