VNSI versions and compatibility
this weekend, just came back from cebit
Hi FernetMenta

At first thanks for your great work! I'm using the vdr vnsi server plugin since the initial release.

Actually I'm using a VDR 2.0 with vnsiserver 1.2.0. The clients are two openelec 5.0.8

Everything works fine for several month!

Because there is a new stable release of openelec which uses kodi 15.2 and to be sure that an upgrade wouldn't break my well working machines I installed kodi 15.2 on my Windows-PC and tried to connect to my VDR using the shipped vnsi plugin. ,

At first everything looks fine but after a few seconds the stream stops with an connection lost error message.
I'm able to start the stream again but it stops again after a few seconds with the same error message.

With my openelec machines everything is fine so I think it is an compatibility issue between the "old" vnsiserver 1.2.0 and the newer pvr-vnsi-addon.

Can you confirm this?

If it is true could you please update your first post where we could see which versions are compatible?

Thanks a lot!

- Daniel

I have a problem to activate the vnsi-client ( 1.9.22 ) at kodi 15.2:

14:17:50 335.176178 T:1542452128 ERROR: ADDON: Could not locate Kodi_VDR_vnsi.pvr
14:17:50 335.180084 T:1542452128 WARNING: UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to create add-on VDR VNSI Client, status = 6
14:17:50 335.180298 T:1542452128 WARNING: UpdateAndInitialiseClients - failed to load the dll for add-on VDR VNSI Client, disabling it

At the filesystem:

MLD-Client> ls -l /usr/lib/kodi/addons/pvr.vdr.vnsi/
-rw-r-xr-x 1 root root 206084 Aug 11 20:40 Kodi_VDR_vnsi.pvr

Does anybody know the problem ?


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VNSI versions and compatibility1