Myth PVR with Android Remote
I have a 0.26 MythTV backend setup on a separate mythbuntu machine from XBMC. I'm running XBMC 12.2 with the 1.6.9 version of Mythtv PVR client. Things are working pretty smoothly for livetv playback and recordings from within XBMC. I've looked all over the XBMC forums and it doesn't appear anyone has tried using an android myth remote with the MythTV PVR client. I have tried to set up a few apps but haven't had luck getting them to connect to XBMC. I set the "Frontend" IP in the apps to XBMC's IP but they both (mythdroid and mythmote) fail to connect.

Could someone confirm that the PVR client doesn't make use of the myth "Frontend Control Socket" on port 6546?

The reason i'd like to do this instead of using the XBMC remote is the ability to pull up the Guide data on a tablet, and just select the channel from there. Especially when channel changes are so slow, I think it would be easier/higher WAF if you could change to a channel from the Guide.

Also, while watching live TV with a buffer, is the back button's time shift value (3 seconds or whatever it is) determined by XBMC or the Myth backend? The back button and left and right arrows definitely behave differently while watching live tv than they do in any other XBMC video playback. I'd like to make the time it skips backwards longer. I get lost on where everything is happening with the frontend and backend.

I doubt remote apps for mythtv front ends will work with xbmc. I know yatse remote app has a pvr section, have you tried that? One thing I have found that helps with slow channel changes is mapping the CH+/- buttons to bring up the pvrchannelosd and scroll through the list of channels with the CH buttons.

The back value is set by xbmc, in the key map file. I can post my key map which has the pvrchannelosd mappings and the arrow buttons which behave the same as the rest of xbmc when I get home if you like.
Aweomse, i'll check out yatse, thanks. That's a clever way to solve the slow changing. Your keymap would be helpful, thanks.

Did you have to change anything to make the arrow buttons behave the same in Live TV as the rest of xbmc? Right now they don't do anything. I only have ffwd,rwd and the back buttons working for playback control.
Yeah, the arrows are set through the key map file.

Here is a old vetsion of mine, without the CH+/- changes
Changes for channel osd:


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Myth PVR with Android Remote0