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Seperate Home Menu for Anime?
I am pretty new to XBMC as a whole, and after about 10 different skins, I found Ace and I absolutely love it. I still dont know much about xbmc yet, and I have been tinkering in the settings, but I cant seem to find a way to add another tab on the main menu for my anime.
Basically what I want, is to just have 2 tabs that both organize and act like the TV Show tab. One for my anime, and the other for everything else. How would I go about doing this in this skin?
You'll need to set up smart playlists for each category you want to show on the home screen, and then add these to the main menu.

There are different ways to set up smart playlists. My preferred method is using separate folders, as described here.

I don't watch anime myself, but I have heard through others on the forum, that it can be a little trickier to get right.
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(2013-08-18, 14:58)Samu-rai Wrote: You'll need to set up smart playlists for each category you want to show on the home screen, and then add these to the main menu.

There are different ways to set up smart playlists. My preferred method is using separate folders, as described here.

I don't watch anime myself, but I have heard through others on the forum, that it can be a little trickier to get right.
It is definitely harder to do the anime >.< I followed your guide and got the movies and tv show playlists set like they were before. The anime playlist for some reason is determined to only allow one show to appear. Every time I rescan it is a different show, but never more than 1 of them :|

EDIT: After a little bit of messing around with it, I figured out what my problem was. For some reason all of my shows were labeled as music videos in my sources >.< Thank you very much for the guide!
No problem. Glad you got it sorted.
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Seperate Home Menu for Anime?0