[Release] Synopsi.tv - Movies and TV Shows scrobbler
What is Synopsi.tv?

A safe place where you can store your watching history and get the best personalized recommendations for TV Shows and Movies based on your unique and evolving watching style. You can share what you like, get to know people with similar taste and find out what to watch next with your friends and family.

Some interesting features of Synopsi.tv
  • Highly personalized recommendations both for Movies and TV Shows
  • Very comprehensive mobile version of the website
  • Mobile apps in works (iOS should be released in few weeks)
  • Watch later list, which helps you to always remember a movie you wanted to watch
  • Possibility to create unlimited amount of your own lists or follow lists of other users
  • Easily track your progress among TV shows and be notified of new episodes
  • Compare your taste with other users, including your friends and see your compatibility rating
  • Get recommendations what to watch with your friends, family or complete strangers
  • Follow your friends or people with similar taste to find interesting pieces
  • Automatically scrobble TV Shows and Movies from your computer thanks to our Win/Linux/Mac scrobbler

What can this plugin do for you
  • Automatically scrobble all watched Movies and TV episodes
  • Show personalized recommendations directly in the XBMC
  • Synchronize your lists
  • Availability to rate every movie and TV episode after finishing (you have an option to skip rating to not be disturbed if you are watching something from a playlist)
  • Create a list of available content on your XBMC so you can share it with your friends and family

How the scrobbler works?

At this moment you must have your content identified by any available scrapper (TMDb, IMDb, TVdb, ...). At the end of any TV episode or movie you will be prompted to rate your experience. There is an option that if you create a playlist, the rating window will not disturb you while you are watching.

If the content will be not recognized correctly, we have created a simple option for you to correct it manually. After this correction, it will never happen again to your or to any other user.

We have identified the title mismatching as the biggest issue for users and we are working very hard to give you more precise identification with no extra requirements.

How to install it?
  • In your XBMC go to Settings -> Add-ons -> Search and search for synopsi
  • Select the SynopsiTV plugin and click install
  • After installation go to SynopsiTV plugin settings
  • Log in or create an account
  • Your data will start synchronizing immediately and you will see what you watch on your www.synopsi.tv profile


We really appreciate any help possible. Our ultimate goal is to build the best and easy to use system for ours parents so they can enjoy the same benefits as if they would be geeks, and not call us every time every time something goes wrong. We hope we will find more enthusiasts who could help us to achieve this goal.


Release notes
Version 1.0.9

* Fixed: missing restart dialog after installation

Version 1.0.8

+ Added: option to disable rating window when playing multiple files in playlist

Version 1.0.7

+ Added: sign-up from settings
* Fixed: incorrect splitting text in dialogs
* Fixed: incorrect time progress calculation
* Fixed: wrong api port detection
* Fixed: showing success login notifications repeatedly

Version 1.0.6

* Fixed: if xbmc.Player doesn't provide runtime, plugin failed to show rating dialog
* Fixed: api directors format change

Version 1.0.5

+ Added: display year after movie name
+ Added: display episode identification in every episode listings
+ Added: breadcrumbs for listings
+ Added: display tvshow name in episode detail
* Fixed: show correct titles on home screen (recently added)

Version 1.0.4

- Fixed: labels in movie details
- Fixed: dialog navigation, back button, hide dialogs on movie play
- Added: mark as already watched when adding files to library
- Added: mark as watched from context menu is properly handled
- Fixed: bug with movie time evaluation
- Fixed: dialogs and windows are now opened immediately after user's requests, data are filled in afterwards
- Fixed: few minor bugs

Version 1.0.3

- Added: send software info on checkin
- Added: store refresh token for future token-auth
- Added: login/settings info, where to sign-up
- Fixed: sending wrong position

Version 1.0.2

- Fixed: sending checkins wrong api usage
- Fixed: restart fails on OSX, trying quit after restart

Version 1.0.1

- Added: season 'on-disk' strips in tvshow detail
- Improved: idetification, send filenames without xbmc's source path part

Version 1.0.0

- Fixed: Frodo version requirements
- Fixed: Empty list exception for "Local movies"

Version 0.4.6

- Fixed: addon.xml to get into official repository
- Added: Show "watched" stripes in tvshow detail
- Fixed: few bugs

Version 0.0.1

- Initial addon
I just installed this plugin and I noticed that I do not see my movie library online on your website. I thought it would synchronize my collection and base
suggestions on that. Is that not possible? I don't want to add every single movie by hand, that's too tedious.

The layout inside XBMC is also very screwed up. Not much fun using it.


after installing and synchronizing your collection, recommendation should be based on what you already saw, provided that you have some titles marked as watched inside xbmc before. You can check the synchronization on web in the "Already Watched" list, where the titles you saw should appear. If not, write back, there are few options how to find out. We will need your login at least.

Regarding the screwed up layout, our plugin currently does not support or does not work well with every custom skin. We wanted to show custom overlays ( you can see the 'On Your Disk', 'Already Watched' strips over cover ). Because XBMC does not suppor tthem, we had to modify part of the default skin, and this could conflict with custom skins. This could be fixed in near future by removing synopsi overlays from our plugin or by adding support for custom overlays inside XBMC.
Hi, this is an interesting plugin (and a nice website btw). I too am having the "screwed up layout" using XBMC 12.3 with Ace skin. I can't really use it until the custom skin issues are fixed but I look forward to when they are! Thanks for your contribution to the community.
this is a really exciting add on.

I'm wondering is it possible to automatically play using 1channnel xbmc source when you click play in the recommendations section? without adding the source to your library? otherwise you'd have to add (manually) all the recommended movies to ensure it plays.

So right now you look at recommendations. But if you don't have it added to your local library, you can't click play.

I think with that addition, this would be a really powerful add on.
Unfortunatelly, we currently do not support recomendations from other channels or xbmc sources. Only files in your library that go through the xbmc's identification process.
So uhm, what about gotham support?
Is there an option to import my trakt history? If you do, this will kill trakt.
@Qefx we are working on it
@wisdomtooth we dont support any imports yet.
@Qefx i've checked our plugin with XBMC Gotham and it seems to work. If something does not work for you, please report it.

I am trying this on OSMC with Kodi 14.1 but I can not log in. I even changed my password temporarily to "aaaaaa" to make sure i did not typed it wrong.. Will you update the plugin for new Kodi? It would be great, I use synopsi.tv from its very beginning.


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[Release] Synopsi.tv - Movies and TV Shows scrobbler1