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Menu button with just HD Movies?

I've looked around but I cant find the answer I'm looking for. Probably because its so simple that no one but me needs to ask how to do it... Smile

In my collection I've got a lot of both BluRay and DVDs. Mostly I just watch the BRrips though so I would want another button under "Movies" namned "HD Movies" and then just have the BluRays there. But I'm having problems. I found the customize menu thing and tried creating a Video Node that accessed the folder with my BluRays. But I cant get the library to work that way, to see any art I got to go into each movie individually and I obviously don't want in that way. I'd appreciate any help you guys can give me. Thanks!
Man, that was easy! Thanks a lot though, nothing I would have figured out on my own Smile

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Menu button with just HD Movies?0