How do I lauch games?
when i lauch the xbox it connects to kai. on my mac i can see in the log that ui gets attached. the rss-feed works fine, i can see other users and the arenas. i browse myself to the arena i want to play in and press "play". then my log says ui: detached, and my game shows no games on system link. what am i doing wrong?
i'm not familiar with the mac version, but if your entering your username and password in xbmc, you should only run the engine. does the mac version have an option to only run the engine.
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that's what it's doing. is my network config right? with both the mac and the 'box on the same subnet, and both connected to the internet?
it sounds like you have disconnect on ui detach selected im not sure bout the mac options but on the pc connfig you have the option to disconnect kai wen the ui closes. and it closes on the xbox when you launch a game.
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