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rec tv resume across clients
I have been looking at the 'resume' of playing recorded tv files across clients. If I start watching a wtv file on client A, stop it, and then start watching it again on client B, it doesn't resume where I left off. This works for me with other media in xbmc, like movies.

Is my setup bad or is it not working for anybody?
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
Hey Krusty, I know we have discussed this ourselves but may as well take it the forum Smile

A couple of questions to hepl clarify your problem:

Are you saying it prompts to resume but from the incorrect place, or it doesnt prompt at all?

And obviously you have your video library stored in mysql and shared between clients?!

Personally I have only tested resuming on the same client and it works OK there. I will try to test it across clients tonight.

Anyway, looking at the XBMC code, this is what it does when playing a recording file and determining if there is any resume information to use.

For the case where the PVR addon doesnt indicate it supports resume directly (this is our case currently) it falls back to looking in the XBMC Video database for a resume bookmark using the file path

This is the file path it uses: item.GetPVRRecordingInfoTag()->m_strFileNameAndPath

This is the SQL query it runs: select * from bookmark where idFile=%i and type=%i order by timeInSeconds

Note that type is CBookmark::RESUME which is 1

If multuple results are found it returns the top 1.

With this information, perhaps the first step is to check your mysql database and see what, if any, resume info you have stored
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team
I have noticed this to. I use MySQL for video & music. I was not however using MySQL for the live TV stuff. It seems to affect things negatively, like very slow channel and epg updates during initial start on clients. I Thought maybe that was why I was not seeing the "resume of playback" option across clients for recorded tv. So I edited my advanced settings file to include the tv & epg databases. It still did not work.Sad

I wonder if it is not asking to resume because it is not set anywhere. For instance, choosing a default action for files in video settings. I have mine set to "choose". Is this just tied to movies & televison shows? I wonder if the live TV (pvr) stuff is separate from that setting.
Check the mysql database in the bookmark table as mentioned above.

Resuming worked OK for me on one client but I havent tried cross client (nor have I tried on same client after a reboot or program restart etc)
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team
Krusty, ive done a bit of investigation into this and from what I can see, we are feeding different paths for the recordings at different times

for example when i watched a recording on my main server/client PC that hosts ServerWMC, when I stop the recording mid way through, an entry goes into my XBMC video database under this file path:
D:\Recorded TV\NFL Total Access_ONE_2013_11_29_02_27_26.wtv

Resume works OK on that PC

But then when my remote clients are wanting to get the resume information, the path they have been told is the share \\SCARECROW-HTPC2\Recorded TV\NFL Total Access_ONE_2013_11_29_02_27_26.wtv

which of course doesnt find any bookmarks in the database since the path doesnt match.

My database also has paths to some recordings in the form of smb://SCARECROW-HTPC2/Recorded TV/xxxxxxxx although they could be from a past server version perhaps.

Ill have a look at our GetRecordings code but it seems like it will feed the local path if you are running the client on the same box as ServerWMC or the remote/share path if you are a remote client. If we want the shared XBMC database stuff to work across all clients then we will need to use the share path even when giving recordings to a local client
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team
That explains it then. Problem is I don't then you can use a single network path that will work across all platforms, for instance, once you start embedding credentials in the path windows clients won't work with them when they play the file. Its been a while, but that is what I recall. Unless you have any ideas, I am just thinking we should take this function over in order enable it.
Windows Media Center PVR addon (pvr.wmc) and server backend (ServerWMC)
I just stumbled across this:

I'm not sure if it's relevant or helpful but I wanted to throw it out there anyway. Sounds like you guys have it figured out though...
The XBMC team, plug-in devs, skinners, etc. do this for us for FREE in their spare time because they want to. Think about that for a second before you start bitching...
yes that's helpful information for when we implement resume storage/function on the backend. I saw the Get and Set calls, and assumed the Set must be called by XBMC when it stops playing a recording... but it's useful to know where to put the resume data into the item so XBMC can use it, and also how to trigger the recording item update on other clients, when 1 client saves a new resume pos
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team

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