Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
How can I sort the movies by "Ratings"?
How can I sort the movies by "Ratings"? So, the best rating of a movie at the beginning, the worst at the end. And how can I show "Ratings" in a column on the movie tab?

And what settings do I have to change in tinyMM when I do not want it to make any changes (no renaming files / folders and not adding, deleting folders, files etc. but keeping it like it is) in my movie / series folders?
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Thank you very much, mlaggner,

Unbelievable, I had looked there for that, but...

Many thanks again.
Newest stable Kodi (portable), Win 10 | skin: default Confluence

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How can I sort the movies by "Ratings"?0