2014-04-15, 06:25
I'd like an even more intimate experience with xbmc and this might be far fetched... Or it may even exist already.
Is there a way to have sport scores on the home screen? Not just any scores, but news, videos and scores of teams or sports I select? I think it would be cool if I'm watching something and a small popup appears in the corner showing a score update or highlight update then fades away.
When using MLB.tv flash player they have several options for this, but that's if I'm playing the ball game outside of xbmc with a browser, I do watch MLB.tv games on xbmc but they don't have those bells and whistles.
Maybe take it further and do the same with news. Say you've a feed that pops up when breaking news happens and gives you the option to open that video.
Is this possible? I want xbmc to be my one stop shop for everything.
Is there a way to have sport scores on the home screen? Not just any scores, but news, videos and scores of teams or sports I select? I think it would be cool if I'm watching something and a small popup appears in the corner showing a score update or highlight update then fades away.
When using MLB.tv flash player they have several options for this, but that's if I'm playing the ball game outside of xbmc with a browser, I do watch MLB.tv games on xbmc but they don't have those bells and whistles.
Maybe take it further and do the same with news. Say you've a feed that pops up when breaking news happens and gives you the option to open that video.
Is this possible? I want xbmc to be my one stop shop for everything.