Problem FF/RW in Live TV stream?
So I'm pretty new to XBMC but i have it setup now using an Amazon Fire TV with ServerWMC/pvr.wmc and i'm trying to figure out if i'm missing something, or if the functionality just isn't there yet. The issue that i'm experiencing is that time-shifting doesn't work with Live TV. I can record, and i can time shift in pre-recorded things but with live tv i can only pause. Fast forward and rew dont work at all.

I'm running Gotham 13.1 beta 2. Is there a setting that i don't have enabled or is this just not working yet?
Trevis, I've split this post from the thread you posted it in (Wikiu page discussion thread) into it's own thread which hopefully will get more attention.

In regards to your problem there is no setting to influence this, it should just work like any other video file, eg if you have been watching for a while, you should be able to rewind back to watch something again, should be able to skip around etc.

When you say they dont work at all what do you mean? The key commands dont seem to be received, or they are received but the video doesnt actually skip/rw/ff?

I am not running Gotham 13.1 Beta 2 yet - I am still on Frodo 12.3 and last I tried this, it worked OK there. I can have a look at my setup tonight. Hopefully others can chime in.
pvr.wmc TV addon and ServerWMC Backend Development Team
My guess is that you are on an older version of the plugin and server. Gotham comes with an older version, so unless you manually updated, it is old, and I believe some of the older versions had issues with FF/RR, etc on live TV.

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Problem FF/RW in Live TV stream?0