i have been having the same issues with xlink kai and the xbmc-cvs_2006-06-25 build...you click the xlink kai tab and the thing freezes instantly...i also keep hearing that jmarshal has fixed this and that someone is giving it out...i am waiting for a reply to the pm but i was wondering whether there was any other sources out there that might be "faster" ... i have searched all the torrents sites i could get my hands on and i have had no luck with finding anyone else that has released it...

maybe someone could tell me exactly what is wrong with the june 25th release and how to fix it ? then i could just compile my own ?

-thnx...this prolly was a waste of time but im desperate
checkout xbmcdbr if you have a copy of the sdk and visual studio 2003 pro or greater installed. with this little program you can compile the newest cvs yourself.

you will have to find all the files yourself though.

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