Problem adding libraries
Maybe try changing the rule to be "Path starts with" rather than "is"?
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(2014-11-16, 07:40)jurialmunkey Wrote: Maybe try changing the rule to be "Path starts with" rather than "is"?

Thanks, that did the trick Smile
So. I didn't get to fully finish setting up my Kodi because I had to head out of town for business. I got back and still have a problem. Here it is:


I have Movies | TV Shows | Kids Movies | Kids TV.

When I hit Movies, it works and goes to the folder titled Movies. When I hit Kids Movies, it works and goes to the folder titled Kids Movies, as you can see:


My problem is the TV Shows. As you see in the first image (home screen) on the top left, it shows I have 0 Episodes. I can't get Kodi to recognize my movies and populate them into my TV Library at all.

I just tried deleted the TV Shows Directory and going straight to my Kids TV directory:


After that I go to library, and nothing is there.


I added my TV show folder the same way I added my Movies folder. What am I doing wrong that won't make it work?
(2014-12-07, 18:06)drewdenman Wrote: So. I didn't get to fully finish setting up my Kodi because I had to head out of town for business. I got back and still have a problem. Here it is:


I have Movies | TV Shows | Kids Movies | Kids TV.

When I hit Movies, it works and goes to the folder titled Movies. When I hit Kids Movies, it works and goes to the folder titled Kids Movies, as you can see:


My problem is the TV Shows. As you see in the first image (home screen) on the top left, it shows I have 0 Episodes. I can't get Kodi to recognize my movies and populate them into my TV Library at all.

I just tried deleted the TV Shows Directory and going straight to my Kids TV directory:


After that I go to library, and nothing is there.


I added my TV show folder the same way I added my Movies folder. What am I doing wrong that won't make it work?

All of my menus are done via smartplaylists, it works great. I have all movies and series scanned in as they should be, then i split the menus with smartplaylists. one for our movies, one for kids movies, one for tv shows, one for kids tv, one for sitcoms, documentaries, etc etc.

as jurial mentioned, in SP's, you must choose path starts with, and not is.

Back to the problem on top. Seems you dont have TV shows scanned in, Did you (a) add the sources of the TV shows in kodi? (b) set content to TV Shows and © scanned the library?

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Problem adding libraries1