Linux RTMP live stream opening failed.
Arch Linux. Kodi Helix 14.0 RC3.

Please see this log:

21:33:53 T:140077860415232   DEBUG: opening live stream on url 'rtmp://******'
21:33:53 T:140077860415232   DEBUG: CPVRChannelGroup - Persist - persisting channel group 'Все каналы' with 84 channels
21:33:53 T:140077860415232   DEBUG: PVRFile - Open - playback has started on filename pvr://channels/tv/Все каналы/0.pvr
21:33:53 T:140077860415232   DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(
21:33:53 T:140077860415232   DEBUG: Loading:
21:33:53 T:140077860415232    INFO: CDVDInputStreamRTMP: Using external libRTMP
21:33:53 T:140077860415232   DEBUG: RTMP canseek: true
21:33:54 T:140079150180352   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogBusy.xml) ------
21:33:54 T:140079150180352   DEBUG: Window DialogBusy.xml was already loaded
21:33:54 T:140079150180352   DEBUG: Alloc resources: 0.02m
21:33:54 T:140077860415232   DEBUG: CDVDInputStreamPVRManager::Open - stream opened: rtmp://******
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE: Creating Demuxer
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE: Metadata:
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   Server                NGINX RTMP (
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   width                 1280.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   height                720.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   displayWidth          1280.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   displayHeight         720.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   duration              0.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   framerate             25.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   fps                   25.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   videodatarate         2148.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   videocodecid          7.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   audiodatarate         516.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232  NOTICE:   audiocodecid          10.00
21:33:54 T:140077860415232   DEBUG: Open - probing detected format [live_flv]
21:33:54 T:140077860415232   ERROR: Get - failed to get stream

On Kodi Helix 14.0 RC2 RTMP streaming worked fine (IPTV Simple PVR addon).
MediaCenter: Fractal Design Node 605/ASUS Maximus VI Extreme/i3-4170/nVidia GT1030x3@Deepcool V4000 Mod (Passive)/DD Cine v.6.5/Arch Linux Multiseat/Leia x 3/HP Media IR remote/T3-M Remote/Sony PS3 BD remote/PulseEight USB-CEC(AnyNet+)/3 LCDTV over HDMI/SONY MDR-HW700DS ;)
Do a bisect and find the bugger. Those streams really look not legal.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
(2014-12-13, 20:19)fritsch Wrote: Those streams really look not legal.
OTT - it's part of the technology IPTV. The term translated as Over the Top. With this technology, you can transfer video to a console, computer or mobile phone over the Internet without direct contact with the service provider as opposed to services IPTV.
I-GHOST.NET one of the first to provide a service OTT. At the moment, the TV channels are broadcast via HLS and RTMP protocol. This is legal.
MediaCenter: Fractal Design Node 605/ASUS Maximus VI Extreme/i3-4170/nVidia GT1030x3@Deepcool V4000 Mod (Passive)/DD Cine v.6.5/Arch Linux Multiseat/Leia x 3/HP Media IR remote/T3-M Remote/Sony PS3 BD remote/PulseEight USB-CEC(AnyNet+)/3 LCDTV over HDMI/SONY MDR-HW700DS ;)

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RTMP live stream opening failed.0