Release EPG Movie Mailer
EPG Movie Mailer

Did you ever realize that a movie was shown on TV just yesterday and missed to record it?


The "EPG Movie Mailer" was scripted to notify you immediately by mail about movies you always wanted to watch (e.g. IMDB top 250) and that will be soon shown on TV.

How it works
The script is given a list of movies you'd like to watch. Then it searches the EPG (Electronic Program Guide) for that movies and mails you the results. Now you are informed about upcoming movies and can record it on time.

Technically it uses the API from the TVheadend server to search the EPG. Further analysis is done in python code. This includes the following features:
  • Input movie list is given as a plain text file (each line is one movie)
  • A sample movie list is included with e.g. the IMDB top 250 movies in regular expression (German movie names)
  • Movies are identified in EPG by regular expressions case incensitive (inherent feature of TVheadend API)
  • On multiple execution it only mails new results and remembers already mailed movies
  • For one movie multiple schedules are summarized
  • Flexible configuration with (e.g. disable notifications, execution interval, movie text file location, mail sender and recipient name)
  • Translated into English and German language

The following screenshot of a mail gives an example output (the movie list included only one search item: "Tatort"):


The layout can be customized as I am not the marketing guy Wink

You still have to filter the mailed results, depending on the movie's name (e.g. "Water" will give quite a lot of results) and the regular expression you define (e.g. "^Water$" will only accept exact that title starting and ending with that word).

The addon is implemented as a "service" and started at startup of KODI, so that it just works without the need of further interaction.

The following screenshots illustrate the configuration options:

watch gallery

The file can be downloaded from the original post on the TVheadend board.

Just unpack the ZIP file in $HOME_OF_KODI/addons/

TVheadend PVR (Source for EPG data)

The addon was first developed as a standalone python script (run as a cron-job). The original script can be obtained here.

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