Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Req Fullscreen shortcut and music info.
Great skin, I've resisted changing from the default skin for years, but this skin had me hooked in minutes.

I'm using a Nexus Player and it has very limited buttons.

There are only two things I'm not keen on;
- quicker access to fullscreen; like the stock skin, a context menu option to return directly to fullscreen without having to go all the way back to the home screen.
- artist and title in the vis pop-up; if you're listen to a compilation or party-mode just the dying title isn't enough.

One other non-critical idea;
- when watching a video and you press pause, all that awesome extra info loads (episode name, info and file info). Would it possible to have that show without needing to pause, like when you press enter to bring up the play/pause/audio/video/subtitles bar.

(Sorry if I'm not using the correct names for various screens, can provide screenshots if needed)

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