Remove spotlight

I want to remove the spotlights but leave the changing background, kinda like confluence skin.

I want that when Im over movies, to have last movies fanart on the backgroung, and when Im over TV Shows I want to have their fanart.
Can this be done?
I did this, but I'm struggling to remember how! I think I removed the default movie and tv show menu's and created two custom ones. I then pointed the background images to a folder with artwork in. I copied a folder out of the app data folder (I'll try and edit this when I get home with the location) with all the random artwork kodi gathers and copied it to a new location. All the files in this folder where .tbn files and windows won't show them as preview pics without editing the registry (google it). I then deleted any pictures I didn't want, but you could strip out the TV show pics and move them to a different folder from movie fanart, and point your custom menu to that folder.
Or you could just download pics that you want in your folder, but the tbn files are tiny so don't take up much HDD space.

Hope that makes sense. There's probably a much easier way, but that's what I came up with in the short time I spent setting it up.
Or you could just make a smart playlist with your requirements and choose that as your background from the home customisation settings

-- edit: make sure you set the widget for that menu item to "None" also.
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