Scanning .DTS files into library

I'm trying to scan .DTS files into the library, with no luck so far.
I tried:

1. Tagging them using Mass Tagger. The info seems to be there.
2. Adding advancedsettings.xml to allow scanning of .dts files.
3. Renaming to .mp3. It plays back fine Smile

What could be the problem?

I'm using Openelec on Raspberry Pi. A nightly build from about two weeks ago, so pretty much the latest (V15).

Thanks in advance!
Maybe I got it wrong...but I never heard of a media-file with .DTS as an extension Huh
.dts is a raw bitstream. adding id3 tags to it is utter nonsense.
(2015-10-19, 12:06)ironic_monkey Wrote: .dts is a raw bitstream. adding id3 tags to it is utter nonsense.

Mostly right. The tagger probably ignores everything and appends the ID3 tag. It doesn't harm playback and in Foobar2000 the information is read back correctly.
Doesn't help me, though, as the "tagged" DTS files are still not scanned to the library.

I did some more searches in the forum and found that someone recommended using cue sheets for this. But there was no conclusion to that thread.
Does anyone know if this will work?
If so, i'll try to create a batch file that will automatically generate cue files per folder with an entry for each DTS file.
they aren't scanned to the library correct, because the code doesn't look for id3 tags in a .dts file. imo thebest approach is to stick your files in a container, mp4 or if you use master, .mka. .wav is also an option.

or a cue would work.
I don't think it's a pure/raw bitstream. It's probably a pcm wav file with "dts pcm" frames and is supposed to be output as pcm thorugh a s/pdif interface (but without turning on the bitstream flag). When an AVR receives the PCM stream, it will then decode the DTS frames. (Even though the bitstream flag isn't correctly set, most AVRs will detect DTS headers). Same story with .ac3 files.

If you want to add tags, the rename the dts files to wav, and then convert them to flac. (Some software will allow you to add tags to wav files, but I won't recommend it).
Hi All,

Just a quick update - the cue sheet trick works.
I created a batch file that generates a cue sheet per album (with an entry per file, not several entries per one big file).

Scanning the folders to the library detects all the files and i can see them in the library, sort them by artist name, genre, etc...

I know it's a lot off topic, but just in case someone sees this thread and wants to do the same trick, i'll paste my batch file code here.

Folder structure has to be <don't care>\genre\artist\album

Main batch file:
path = %path%;d:\surrounds\
for /R %%i in (.) do (
@echo TITLE "%%~nxi" > %%~fi\%%~nxi.cue
REM @echo PERFORMER "%%~dpi" >> %%~fi\%%~nxi.cue
call batchgeneratefoldercue.bat "%%~fi" "%%~nxi.cue"


setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set _tst=1
cd %1
cd ..
for %%f in (.) do echo PERFORMER "%%~nxf" >> %1\%2
cd ..
for %%f in (.) do echo REM GENRE "%%~nxf" >> %1\%2
cd %1
echo target filename = %2
echo files:
for %%i in (*.dts) do (
echo FILE "%%i" WAVE >> %2
echo TRACK !_tst:~-2! AUDIO >> %2
echo FLAGS DCP >> %2
echo TITLE "%%i" >> %2
echo INDEX 01 00:00:00 >> %2
set /a _tst+=1
echo Total = %_tst%
if %_tst% == 1 del %2
Thanks Jblook, that's exactly the thing I was looking for.
With those 2 scripts in <don't care>\genre\artist\album, and the files with a .dts extension (instead of .wav): it works perfectly.

For those who would like to create the .cue file by hand,
the beginning of the cue file is like this:

TITLE "2015-Electronica_1-The_Time_Machine(DTS)"
PERFORMER "Jean-Michel Jarre"
REM GENRE "Electronic"
FILE "01_Jean-Michel Jarre feat. Boys Noize - The Time Machine DTS.dts" WAVE
TITLE "01_Jean-Michel Jarre feat. Boys Noize - The Time Machine DTS.dts"
INDEX 01 00:00:00
FILE "02_Jean-Michel Jarre feat. M83 - Glory DTS.dts" WAVE
TITLE "02_Jean-Michel Jarre feat. M83 - Glory DTS.dts"
INDEX 01 00:00:00
Thanks I just created a cue sheet manually, works fine!

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Scanning .DTS files into library1