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How to change the fanarts transparency ?
Hello, I wish to change how much of the fanart backgrounds you see while browing movies. right now it's a tad too light, you can't see a thing, I'd like it to be a little brighter, Is this possible? if so how ? I've looked through defaults.xml but I just don't understand what I'm completely reading right here.

Here's an image off the internet of what I mean -


The Background is just a little too light for me, what code and where is it to change it and make it a little brighter?
Change the first two values of the background color in colors/defaults.xml to something like EE or DD.
Nothing happens what so ever, weird...

<color name="Background">ffdddddd</color>
    <color name="FanartFade">2Fffffff</color>
    <color name="FloorFade">BBdddddd</color>

There's the code, I'm editing the background and nothing!
I'd even like to see what it'd be like with no filtering back there, just showing the background if possible!
So, did you change Background to dddddddd, for example, and reload the skin? You should notice the difference.
Oh right, no. I just made it DD_whatever.

I'll try renaming the whole lot, thanks !
Thoses values are defined as "AARRGGBB", where
AA = transparency, RR = red, GG = green and BB = blue

So you just have to edit the first two values of each entry.

If you just want to see the background/fanart only, try using this:
<color name="Background">00dddddd</color>
    <color name="FanartFade">ffffffff</color>
    <color name="FloorFade">00dddddd</color>
(2015-11-02, 06:09)braz Wrote: Change the first two values of the background color in colors/defaults.xml to something like EE or DD.

where is the colors/default.xml?

can't find anywhere

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How to change the fanarts transparency ?0