Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Solved How can I edit the plot info label in DialogVideoInfo.xml?
Hi Guys,

I'm trying to make some slight adjustments to the layout of the movie/episode information screen (DialogVideoInfo.xml), in particular, I can't seem to find where the plot info is located in the XML file so that I can change the text size of the plot info.

This is specficially the part I am talking about (the red box):


I've spent almost a 4 hours going through the xml and changing the labels one by one to find which one it is but have had no luck. Confused

Would really appreciate it if someone can help me locate it as it has been driving me nuts.

Thank you. Wink
This thread can be deleted. Found out it was control ID 4.
Which Id adds disc art?

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How can I edit the plot info label in DialogVideoInfo.xml?0