Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Add-Ons needed by Kodi and the skin
Is there a way (maybe a list) to find out which add-ons are used by Kodi and this skin?
Because before I came to Arctic Zephyr I tried several other skins and I'm not sure if they were deleted completely. I'm aftraid that there are several add-ons running in the background which aren't needed anymore.
which version of Kodi are you running.

Newer Versions allow to display dependencies under addon menues
At a minimum you'll need the addons listed in the "requires" section of your addon.xml. Here's the latest one from github for reference...

There may also be other addons (Next up notification script, for example) that provide additional features but are not required.
Thanks for your answers. I'm running Version 15 on an amazon FireTV. Thats why it's not easy for me to display the addon.xml I'm currently using.
Probably I will delte the whole thing and do a complete re-install.
Is there a way to make a backup of my settings, playlists and menue modifications etc?

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Add-Ons needed by Kodi and the skin0