2016-01-13, 10:11
Just a heads up that Jarvis now is in RC phase and therefore we will branch pvr add-ons on January 17.
This means
- you should get your Jarvis changes into master until then
- all add-on's major version will be bumped on master
- after branching, master commits will only affect Krypton, but will be included in the respective Kodi builds automatically
- After branching, Jarvis commits are obviously for the Jarvis version of your add-on only, but to actually get included in Kodi Jarvis you need to provide a Kodi Jarvis PR bumping the Jarvis add-on version
This means
- you should get your Jarvis changes into master until then
- all add-on's major version will be bumped on master
- after branching, master commits will only affect Krypton, but will be included in the respective Kodi builds automatically
- After branching, Jarvis commits are obviously for the Jarvis version of your add-on only, but to actually get included in Kodi Jarvis you need to provide a Kodi Jarvis PR bumping the Jarvis add-on version