v17 PVR Addon API changes
Hi PVR addon devs,

just a headsup that we're planning some changes for the PVR Addon API for Kodi Krypton.

The related PR can be found on github: https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/pull/8736 There, I give detailed explanation for the changes and explain the todos for the addon authors.

I don't know where exactly to write this, but... it would be great if PVR API had support for storing trailer URL and timeshift URL (intended for RTSP stream links by provider) alongside all other data (like actors, director, ...). Is this possible to be implemented - if it's where can I add a "feature request"?
Maybe I should start a separate discussion thread for this(?), however I think this idea is still very much on-topic here.

How about extending the PVR API to allow 'backend-less' PVR client addons to record/save video streams to local disk?

As suggested here: https://github.com/kodi-pvr/pvr.hdhomerun/issues/7

This function would be useless for most PVR client addons as they have an external backend that does this for them,

BUT for some PVR client addons, like the HDHomeRun PVR native addon, this functionality would be awesome!


And that is what I mean 'backend-less' PVR client addons; PVR addons that do not have backends, (Stalker is another).

Just imagine how useful such local recording (save to disk) functions would be with network attatched tuners.

Without the Kodi team allowing this, recording from network attached tuners is not possible directly on the Android.
Just to let you know, PVR API 5.0.0 PR got merged yesterday. All addons excpet pvr.dvblink and pvr.dvbviewer are updated to at least not to break. Ofc it is up to the single addon maintainers now to leverage the new features if they like (e.g. async epg data transfer callback, connection state change callback). For pvr.dvbviewer and pvr.dvblink I will open API 5.0.0 PRs as soon as the maintainers of these addons have implemented API 4.2.0.
For the next API version, I want to suggest this change:
Philips TV with Kodi 21.1 with IPTVsimple --- AndroidTablet with 21.1 as Online-radio/TV in the kitchen
Imo this feature request is unrelated to PVR Add-on API.
Maybe I was wrong as the thread you referred actually discusses multiple technically independent features. Such multi topic threads really do not help to get a clear picture, esp. if content does not really match the subject.

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