Widgets disappear
So the widgets i have set up work but sometimes when restarting KODI or just using it they seem to disappear and wont open, to fix it i have to go in wdigets and select viewing to one of the 3 so square for example then it finally says WRITING MENU then works.

So i think the error is when loading its not writing menu im not sure just the widgets keep disappearing
It's a known issue, I've been testing a few methods to fix this. If you want to do any testing, you can try the latest version of Mimic from github. Not sure if it completely fixes the problem, I think I've still had them disappear a time or two. Would be curious to see what you find. Note that if you install Mimic from github you'll also need the latest script.skinshortcuts from github.

When the widgets disappear, the easiest way to bring them back is to reload the skin. There's a button on the shutdown menu to reload.
Where can i find the option to reload skin? in system
On the shutdown menu. Press "s" on your keyboard or you can map it to your remote.
Is their a way i can create a shortcut to it?
Create a menu item and set the action to:

I know this doesn't solve the widget disappear but is there a way I can go back to previous version. The previous never had widget disappeared. Thx
(2016-03-25, 00:03)cat2115 Wrote: Hi,
I know this doesn't solve the widget disappear but is there a way I can go back to previous version. The previous never had widget disappeared. Thx
The previous one also had long delays between showing widgets though too. Here's the link to the zip file for Mimic 3.3.1...the last version before widgets were converted to use the template method.

FYI, I just updated the list of releases on github, making it easier to download whichever zip file you want.

(2016-03-14, 23:20)braz Wrote: Create a menu item and set the action to:


When u say create a menu item, does this mean go to skin setting to create a shutdown then edit xml to add the code?

Please guide if this is wrong way to do.

Really like the widget.. Hope you can a solution.

You don't need to edit an xml, just edit the action of one of your menu items in the menu customizer.

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