2016-04-12, 15:21
Insert coin. Press play.
Simple front end for MAME.
Simple front end for MAME.
- Install https://github.com/primaeval/repository....-0.0.1.zip from https://github.com/primaeval/repository.primaeval
- Open Settings
- In Paths, find the mame.exe file location
- Find the roms path
- Pick what to display for thumbnails, fanart etc. This is Your Choice!
- snaps need to be unzipped
- Change the Filter settings.
- Change the "Custom Filter Name" for adding to your Favourites or Super Favourites menus.
- Example favourites.xml in addon folder.
- Enter the addon.
- The initial game list creation will take a while!
- Play.
- Only tested on Win7 so far.
- No fancy scrapers. Find you own artwork first.
- Image links can be set to any folder with <rom>.png artwork inside.
- Roms should be <rom>.zip
- Display format is "Description - year - rom - cloneof - manufacturer"
- repo: https://github.com/primaeval/repository.primaeval
- addon: https://github.com/primaeval/script.games.play.mame
watch gallery