Bigger movie posters for HD-Trailers add on?
Is there anyway you could make the movie poster bigger on the menu you bring up while watching movie trailers with the HD-Trailers add on?

I would like them to be the same size as the movie posters when watching Movies or TV Shows from your library.

At first I thought it was something wrong with the HD-Trailers add on but apparently it has to due with the skin you use in this case Metropolis. For example in Confluence skin the movie posters are bigger when bringing up the menu while watching HD-Trailers.

Thanks Smile



I was discussing this in the HD-Trailers thread too..
I'll look into it.
I can't get any cover to show in Metropolis, Confluence or Estuary when using HD-Trailers on Kodi 17.



What version of Kodi, Metropolis, and HD-Trailers?
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
(2016-04-25, 22:19)MacGyver Wrote: I can't get any cover to show in Metropolis, Confluence or Estuary when using HD-Trailers on Kodi 17.



What version of Kodi, Metropolis, and HD-Trailers?

Kodi 16.1 and Metropolis 3.3.0 and also last version of HD-Trailers add on.

The reason you are not seeing the movie posters is because something changed with HD-trailers web site and the HD-Trailers add on needs to be updated.

However if you follow these easy Instructions you can get the movies posters to show again Smile

Thanks to Fox for this helpful info.

"found the problem with the missing posters, seems they have change the links on the page to skip out on the http:.
So if you feel comfortable in changing a line of code it can be fixed quite easy."

Find where your addons are stored and go to the\resources\lib folder and open up
There you need to go to line 145, should look like this
'thumb': td.a.img['src']

Now just add 'http:' + before the td so it looks like this
'thumb': 'http:' + td.a.img['src']

Then delete the scraper.pyo file, make sure it ends with PYO. (I'm not sure this is needed but it doesn't hurt)
That's it, hopefully you have posters again!

gate1975mlm Wrote:
The only thing now even with this fix is it does not show the movie poster on the menu you can bring up while the trailer is playing.

Ah, well that's easy to fix, do the same thing as before but on row 90.
It's not exactly the same code but you should end up with something like this.
'thumb': 'http:' + span.img['src']

The fix is talked about here
(2016-04-25, 21:26)jingai Wrote: I'll look into it.

Thanks Smile
Here's a commit for making the default thumbnail image larger (while keeping the aspect ratio fluid and anchoring it right and bottom).
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
The default thumbnail image is the size it is for music videos (album cover), if I recall correctly. I'll look at it though.
OK, it looks fine. Sorry, just had to check it with all content.

Ideally, the addon would set its content type to Movies and would get the correct frame.. but oh well, it works.
(2016-04-26, 23:30)jingai Wrote: Ideally, the addon would set its content type to Movies and would get the correct frame.. but oh well, it works.

If only. Smile
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)
Thanks MacGyver for fixing that Smile

I guess I'll need to wait for the next release of Metropolis to have that fix.

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Bigger movie posters for HD-Trailers add on?0