Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
v16 Update: Ongoing Episodes and Spotlight widget
Since updating to Jarvis and the Jarvis version of this skin I can't get to my ongoing episodes... I used to press the up button twice on my remote and a menu would appear across the top but this isn't happening anymore... does anyone know how to get this back? Thanks.
Nobody has spotted or missed this? Has this skin been abandoned?

Ok, so I can make a submenu entry that brings up a title list In Progress TV Shows but does anybody know how to replace that with the widget that display the shows on the screen rather than a list?
(2016-05-13, 14:53)4500 Wrote: Nobody has spotted or missed this? Has this skin been abandoned?

Ok, so I can make a submenu entry that brings up a title list In Progress TV Shows but does anybody know how to replace that with the widget that display the shows on the screen rather than a list?

It still exists and hasn't been changed. You need to make sure that the widget for a menu is set to the default widget. You can check this by going to Settings>Skin Settings>Home>Customise home menu> and check hat the widget for your chosen menu is set to 'Default widget'. If not, set it to 'none' so that it falls back onto the default widget.
Thanks, Hustler.

Really miss the old top menu though, that was super handy for the next episode.

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Update: Ongoing Episodes and Spotlight widget0