Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
screen won't show the actual image
When I start up the app everything is fine but when I start watching my favorite movies the screen becomes black then it changes colors to what ever the movie is on I can't see anything else except that.
debug log (wiki)
If I have helped you or increased your knowledge, click the 'thumbs up' button to give thanks :) (People with less than 20 posts won't see the "thumbs up" button.)
Welcome to the forum! So many new users today.

We're going to want a bit of info from you to better assist.
1) Let's get some system details. Are you using Windows, OpenElec, Android?
2) What is the app? Do you mean the Kodi app?
3) If you are unable/ unwilling to submit a can start by re-installing Kodi on your device and try a few other videos. Make sure they work outside of Kodi. We want to rule out that your system can handle them or that they aren't broken.

Still having issues, you need to get us a quick debug log. It takes all of 2 minutes to test, copy, and submit.
--Settings/System/Logging -- turn on the debugging tabs
--replicate the error
--grab the log from the location that is listed on the screen
--copy the info to
--drop the pastebin url here.
Try not to do a bunch of stuff after. The smaller the debug file, the better it is to figure out.

So easy.

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screen won't show the actual image0