v17 pvr.filmon, currently working on all Platforms
With the recent (no API change log?) changes to filmon api, pvr.filmon stopped working completely with users unable to succesfully login and access favourite channels through PVR & Live TV.

A fix has been provided for this in latest nightly builds of Krypton which is working on an rpi2 with #1117 milhouse nightly build. Cool


Unfortunately for win32 and osx nightly builds, fix appears incomplete, with channels loading correctly, but neither win32 or osx versions playing the channels (just attempts to start playback and stops with no errors in GUI)

win32 kodi debug log (verbose logging enabled for LibcURL and Video)
osx kodi debug log (verbose logging enabled for LibcURL and Video)

Nightly builds obtained installed from :-

RPi4, (LibreELEC 12.0) hdmi0 -> Sony TA-AN1000 AV Receiver -> Philips 55PUS7304 4K TV
You need to have rtmp add-on installed to play filming streams
(2016-11-19, 13:08)gendo Wrote: You need to have rtmp add-on installed to play filming streams
Thanks for the tip, currently having problems finding rtmp that can be installed as an add-on from within Kodi

Tried http://filmkodi.com/en/rtmp-stream-worki...-17-fixed/ but RTMP Input seems to have been removed from that repo.
then tried RTMP input from https://github.com/notspiff/inputstream.rtmp/releases and in new kodi event log I get "Failed to install Add-on from zip file" with an additional "failed due to an invalid structure" error.

win32 kodi debug log
RPi4, (LibreELEC 12.0) hdmi0 -> Sony TA-AN1000 AV Receiver -> Philips 55PUS7304 4K TV
With previous Filmon API fixes and then availability of the add-on Videoplayer Input Stream -> RTMP Input
for Linux, macOS and Win platforms running Kodi 17 Krypton; my understanding is PVR Filmon Client is now working Smile

Thanks to anyone/everyone who worked behind the scenes to get keep PVR Filmon Client operational Wink
RPi4, (LibreELEC 12.0) hdmi0 -> Sony TA-AN1000 AV Receiver -> Philips 55PUS7304 4K TV

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pvr.filmon, currently working on all Platforms0