Win No View menu

I'm relatively new to this skin but really like it, so far. However, I cannot seem to be able to change the view settings - as in I can't access the view menu to change from list to big list, poster etc.. Likewise I have no idea how I can add a favorite. Something seems to be wrong or I'm just being really dumb.

If I go back to Confluence then I can access the menu from the left hand side of the screen but not in Metropolis. Yes I've tried the mouse in the left hand side of the screen, right clicking the mouse etc..

I'm running Kodi 16.1 on a Windows 10 PC.

I appreciate any help.

Thank you. Confused
Does the menu show up on going left?
If not, check that you don't have "kiosk mode" turned on (this is for tiny kids and 90-year old grandparents so they can't mess up the settings).

If it does open but you can't change the view off of "List", it may simply be that there is only one view for non-library items and that is "List". Try adding the higher folder as a library share.

You add a favorite by pressing "c" on a keyboard when the object you want to favorite is highlighted, or the "context menu" button you have configured on your remote.

If neither is working, it is likely you have selected "kiosk mode" in skin settings, uncheck that box and you should be fine.
Using a NUC7PJYHN and a 2820FYKH0 Intel NUC running LibreELEC, and two FireTVs.:)

the menu does not show up on going left. As in, no menu at all.

I don't have kiosk settings ticked as on as I found that earlier and tried it checked and unchecked.

Thanks for the tip ref. pressing C. That worked.

Any other ideas please?


I have now been able to make progress by using the left arrow key on certain menus. At least this now gives me the option to change views.

Nothing else works but at least this is progress.

What do you mean by, "nothing else works," exactly?

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