Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Advancedsettings no longer loading.
Hi All
due to a rather slow internet, I have to use the buffer settings in advancedsettings.xml. This allowed me to start an episode, then pause it for about 15 minutes to let it load all the way or at least half way.
Since upgrading KODI, it no longer works. It only buffers for about 3 minutes then stops. This means i have to pause anything i watch, every 3-4 minutes to let it load. You can understand the frustration.
I'm Running OSMC on a Raspberry PI 3. This has been running SUPER smooth with NO problems, until the upgrade.
The only way for my to check the file now is through the Easy Advanced Settings addon.
Please help!!!
you may have to update your advancedsettings file.
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Thank you Kindly. I'll have a look. I suppose the addon will have to be updated then. I cannot access the file manually at the moment.
How do I see if the file is actually loading, and functioning?
I've been able to edit the file and place it in the folder.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


I've increased the read factor, as it still buffers every few minutes, saying the readfactor is too low.


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Advancedsettings no longer loading.0