Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
[MOD] YouTube MediaInfo
Nothing special. Just added a few lines so we can use the mediainfo viewtypes in the YouTube addon.

Haven't tested if it has impact on other addons or anything. Was just annoyed that I couldn't see the Channel name and video info with the current views.

Supplied as is. Maybe somebody else needs it, so I'll attach it here.

Thanks to jurialmunkey for an amazing skin.

Just install as a zip addon. It will not replace the original skin of jurialmunkey.
nice job NightFox89. I would suggest that you post just the files that were changed. for the job that this mod does it's better for some users just replace the files that were modified from the original skin. if it were a more global mod, in that case, a full skin mod installation would be better.

Best regards

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