2017-05-07, 23:22
I'm trying to package the spectrum addon for Fedora and am encountering an issue that I'm finding difficult to debug. So I'm building from version 1.1.1 of the addon from this commit: https://github.com/notspiff/visualizatio...631c2f8115 .
The build goes smoothly and shows no errors, however when I load it up in Kodi I get an unknown error. Literally the only thing in the debug log is this line: "22:07:03.628 T:140040623103808 ERROR: ADDON: Dll Spectrum - Client returned bad status (4) from Create and is not usable"
All libraries and resources are getting pulled into the package:
All permissions seem correct:
I'm really not sure how to begin debugging this - I'm really keen to figure this out myself, but could someone give me a few pointers as to where I might begin?
This is the build segment from my spec:
I'm trying to package the spectrum addon for Fedora and am encountering an issue that I'm finding difficult to debug. So I'm building from version 1.1.1 of the addon from this commit: https://github.com/notspiff/visualizatio...631c2f8115 .
The build goes smoothly and shows no errors, however when I load it up in Kodi I get an unknown error. Literally the only thing in the debug log is this line: "22:07:03.628 T:140040623103808 ERROR: ADDON: Dll Spectrum - Client returned bad status (4) from Create and is not usable"
All libraries and resources are getting pulled into the package:
[root@kodi01-dev01 temp]# ls /usr/share/kodi/addons/visualization.spectrum
addon.xml addon.xml.in icon.png resources
[root@kodi01-dev01 temp]# ls /usr/lib64/kodi/addons/visualization.spectrum
visualization.spectrum.so visualization.spectrum.so.1.1.1 visualization.spectrum.so.17.1
All permissions seem correct:
[root@kodi01-dev01 temp]# getfacl /usr/lib64/kodi/addons/visualization.spectrum/*
getfacl: Removing leading '/' from absolute path names
# file: usr/lib64/kodi/addons/visualization.spectrum/visualization.spectrum.so
# owner: root
# group: root
# file: usr/lib64/kodi/addons/visualization.spectrum/visualization.spectrum.so.1.1.1
# owner: root
# group: root
# file: usr/lib64/kodi/addons/visualization.spectrum/visualization.spectrum.so.17.1
# owner: root
# group: root
I'm really not sure how to begin debugging this - I'm really keen to figure this out myself, but could someone give me a few pointers as to where I might begin?
This is the build segment from my spec:
cmake \
-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%{_libdir}/kodi/addons/ \