Need New Remote
The remote that came with my XBMC box no longer works. I've tried replacing the batteries. Can I use a universal, or buy a proper replacement anywhere?
We don't do boxes, so it's difficult to answer your question when the hardware is nothing to do with us. Many people swear by the old Microsoft remote, I personally use CEC and my TV remote - it does depend on what your box actually is, though.

Moving to hardware, as you might get a better view there.
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There is no such thing as a XBMC box... Well, not from the Official XBMC\Kodi group. Maybe contact the retailer where you purchased it from.

As you have given absolutely no detail on what your hardware is, how are we supposed to answer that
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I'm guessing it's some sort of android box - the issue you'll have will most likely be powering on. Using cec or an MCE (Microsoft) remote will (probably) work well while the box is running, but to power on you'll (again probably) need an oe remote or a universal that mimics the stock remote's signals. I use Logitech Harmonies for just about everything, including my android (now libreelec) boxes - but if your original remote is broken you're dependent on it being in the database (mine were).
As for replacements - unless it's a current box from a 'quality' manufacturer your best bet is probably to check ebay with crossed fingers.
If you have an newish Android based box then you might be able to get most Bluetooth capable remotes to work, see examples:

You might otherwise be able to find a similar remote that you already have from if you can first figure out the exact OEM manufacturer and model of your box.

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