Thank you for your quick reply.

That's an incredible pity.
Are you working on the new ByteFM app that will be rolled out soon?
Well, then I hope for the best for the future.
All the best
(2023-06-01, 14:58)F.Horst Wrote: Tachchen,
Thank you for your quick reply.

That's an incredible pity.
Are you working on the new ByteFM app that will be rolled out soon?
Well, then I hope for the best for the future.
All the best
Servus - nope, not working on the new bytefm app directly, but on other stuff around the website. 
The new version of the app is already released, by the way! Here you go: https://www.byte.fm/blog/news/die-neuen-...ps-133136/
Hey, your plugin, which I really appreciate, unfortunately no longer works for me. When retrieving the content, an error occurs with this log message: https://paste.kodi.tv/vamugaxupu.kodi

I think my credentials are correct because they did worked before and I haven't changed them. There might have been changes to ByteFM's API.

Your plugin is the only way to listen to byte.fm I'm aware of Sad

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