Database Indexes - IMDb and Trakt WatchList
I am not sure this right place to post. We have multiple installations of Kodi with same add-ons using Trakt and IMDb Watchlists that are different on each system using the same username. Today, I found trying to link Trakt in one addon it displays the name of another add-on. The main issue is that most of my Track and IMDb watch list programs have disappeared. I tried to manually add them back but that only partly works. TongueHuh
The wiki for Add-on:Trakt (wiki) and the forum

Your query would be best posted in the service add-on area.

Kodi v17.4, My Trakt Watchlist has dropped 95% of my shows. I manually added them back and they showed up the first time My TV Shows was displayed and then they are gone again. The same thing happens on 2 Windows and 1 Android system.

My IMDB Watchlist has dropped most of its program from my watchlist as well.

At one point if we removed IMDb user ID then Trakt load more programs. Then adding the Trakt link to one add-on it shows the name of another add-on, not the one it is being added too.

How would you like for me to post my Kodi log?
As I don't use either add-on and 3rd party add-ons are supported at the source, I can only suggest if a few of your machines are working as expected, then the one that isn't working has some differences in the way it logs into the service. From the Trakt site:Note: We recommend using Kodi 17 to ensure you’re on the latest Trakt plugin. If you're at variance with these instructions it looks like you can leave support queries.

The last post from Trakt admin This official add-on only supports scrobbling what you are watching. You can use another community supported add-on to sync your collection. Syncing and sharing (wiki) sometimes an out of the box article, might cast a light on this subject.

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Database Indexes - IMDb and Trakt WatchList0