Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
Help with Super Favourites - not playing links
Hi! This is my very first post here. I hope I am doing this right! I'm Michelle and I'm new to Kodi. Loving it but was very annoyed because my favorites were a mess and I couldn't find anything! So I searched the web and found Super Favourites! Sounded like exactly what I needed! 

I successfully installed it and played around til I figured how to use it. I might have done this wrong, but let me explain what I did. 

I opened super faves and explored the Kodi favorites. Then I clicked on edit favorite.  Then it let me MOVE favorite. I created a folder called movies which is where I moved the favorites that were movies. Took a long long time to move everything to channels and TV shows and movies and add ons. 

Now, when I go to movies, and select a movie, it does nothing. It doesn't play the TV shows either. 

Since they were all moved, now I am forced to search for a TV show, then add it to favorites again, and then it works.  If I add it to super Favourites, it doesn't work. 

Help! I'm using Kodi 17.3. 


Welcome. Your post was in totally the wrong place so I've moved it.

Before we get into it, you'd probably have a better response if you posted in the Super Favourites support thread:

That being said, you'll need to supply a Debug log (wiki) for analysis but make sure you understand the Forum rules (wiki) and Piracy policy (wiki). If you're using add-ons that supply movies and TV shows from illegitimate sources then we won't be able to provide support to you.
Always read the Wiki, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Read/follow the forum rules.

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Help with Super Favourites - not playing links0