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How to focus on movie shelf on Kodi launch?
I'm using Kodi 15.2 and Amber 2.1.3. Each time I start Kodi I get into the settings tab. I still want to be in "home window" but instead start in the movie shelf. I can't figure out how to do that. Is it even possible? Why would anyone want to start in settings? Re-order the tabs in home window in order to solve it would be ok with me.
Yes it is possible. As you are using an older version of Kodi, I cannot give you accurate instructions for your version.

In Kodi v17 using the Estuary skin, you would go to Settings>Interface>Other. Select which tab to open in the option "Startup Window"

You will have to find the equivelant in the version and skin you are using.
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(2017-10-14, 09:38)Karellen Wrote: Yes it is possible. As you are using an older version of Kodi, I cannot give you accurate instructions for your version.

In Kodi v17 using the Estuary skin, you would go to Settings>Interface>Other. Select which tab to open in the option "Startup Window"

You will have to find the equivelant in the version and skin you are using.

Thx, I've updated to latest version now but that is not what I asked for and also possible in old version. If I choose "video" there I end up in the file manager and not the "movie shelf" with recently added movies. That's why I said I still want to be in home window but a different tab than settings or favorites (depending of what I have enabled in the skin). I found a workaround: If I disable every tab that is to the right side of the movies, ie. favorites, settings etc. and only have "movies" and "quit" menu it will start at the movie tab. Settings can be reached from quit menu but I want my favorites, so not a good workaround =)

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How to focus on movie shelf on Kodi launch?0