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vdr xmltv
Hi Fernetmenta,

Since a few time, my epg doesnt work anymore with my vdr system. I m pretty sure i didnt change anything and i just spent a few hours trying to make it work again, without success... no error in the log, nothing.
Since  it has broken, i have used streamdev  + iptvsimple plugin which provides an easy way to get epg inside kodi with xmltv.
As a side effect, i cant record channel anymore with the iptvsimple plugin... well nothing is perfect, you"ll tell me ^^.

I wonder if it would be possible to get the xmltv logic from iptvsimple inside vdnsi plugin ?

VDR has its own database for EPG hence EPG have to be imported into this db. I have never looked into this but I don't think it is rocket science. Isn't there a mantained vdr pluging for this?
Yep i made it work again. Had an issue with xmltv2vdr and my xmltv provider.

Yep i made it work again. Had an issue with xmltv2vdr and my xmltv provider.
To be honest, use vdr in combinaison with xmltv epg is pretty inintuitive, specially if you are not german ^^.


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